Björn Canbäck Bioinformatics


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ARWEN options and output formats

Below is the output of the -h (help) option of the standalone verison of ARWEN. The batch output format is explained at the -w flag at the bottom.

ARWEN v1.2 Dean Laslett

Please reference the following paper if you use this
program as part of any published research.

Laslett, D. and Canback, B. (2008) ARWEN: a
program to detect tRNA genes in metazoan mitochondrial
nucleotide sequences
Bioinformatics, 24(2); 172-175.

ARWEN detects metazoan mitochondrial tRNA genes.

arwen -v -s -d -c -l -a -w -j -seq -mt -tv -gc -o <outfile> <filename>

<filename> is assumed to contain one or more sequences
in FASTA format. Results of the search are printed to
STDOUT. All switches are optional and case-insensitive.

    -mtmam        Search for Mammalian mitochondrial tRNA
                  genes. -tv switch set.
                  Mammalian mitochondrial genetic code used.
    -mtx          Low scoring tRNA genes are
                  not reported.
    -gc<num>      Use the GenBank transl_table = <num> genetic code.
    -gcstd        Use standard genetic code.
    -gcmet        Use composite Metazoan mitochondrial genetic code.
    -gcvert       Use Vertebrate mitochondrial genetic code.
    -gcinvert     Use Invertebrate mitochondrial genetic code.
    -gcyeast      Use Yeast mitochondrial genetic code.
    -gcprot       Use Mold/Protozoan/Coelenterate mitochondrial genetic code.
    -gcciliate    Use Ciliate genetic code.
    -gcflatworm   Use Echinoderm/Flatworm mitochondrial genetic code.
    -gceuplot     Use Euplotid genetic code.
    -gcbact       Use Bacterial/Plant Chloroplast genetic code.
    -gcaltyeast   Use alternative Yeast genetic code.
    -gcascid      Use Ascidian Mitochondrial genetic code.
    -gcaltflat    Use alternative Flatworm Mitochondrial genetic code.
    -gcblep       Use Blepharisma genetic code.
    -gcchloroph   Use Chlorophycean Mitochondrial genetic code.
    -gctrem       Use Trematode Mitochondrial genetic code.
    -gcscen       Use Scenedesmus obliquus Mitochondrial genetic code.
    -gcthraust    Use Thraustochytrium Mitochondrial genetic code.
                  Individual modifications can be appended using
    ,BBB=<aa>     B = A,C,G, or T. <aa> is the three letter
                  code for an amino-acid. More than one modification
                  can be specified. eg -gcvert,aga=Trp,agg=Trp uses
                  the Vertebrate Mitochondrial code and the codons
                  AGA and AGG changed to Tryptophan.
    -tv           Do not search for mitochondrial TV replacement
                  loop tRNA genes.
    -c            Assume that each sequence has a circular
                  topology. Search wraps around each end.
                  Default setting.
    -l            Assume that each sequence has a linear
                  topology. Search does not wrap.
    -d            Double. Search both strands of each
                  sequence. Default setting.
    -s or -s+     Single. Do not search the complementary
                  (antisense) strand of each sequence.
    -sc or -s-    Single complementary. Do not search the sense
                  strand of each sequence.
    -rp           Report low scoring genes as possible pseudogenes
    -seq          Print out primary sequence.
    -br           Show secondary structure of tRNA gene primary
                  sequence with round brackets.
    -fasta        Print out primary sequence in fasta format.
    -fo           Print out primary sequence in fasta format only
                  (no secondary structure).
    -j            Display 4-base sequence on 3' end of astem
                  regardless of predicted amino-acyl acceptor
    -jr           Allow some divergence of 3' amino-acyl acceptor
                  sequence from NCCA.
    -jr4          Allow some divergence of 3' amino-acyl acceptor
                  sequence from NCCA, and display 4 bases.
    -v            Verbose. Prints out search progress
                  to STDERR.
    -o <outfile>  print output into <outfile>. If <outfile>
                  exists, it is overwritten.
                  By default, output goes to STDOUT.
    -w            Print out genes in batch mode.
                  Output is in the form:

                  Sequence name
                  N genes found
                  1 tRNA-<species> [locus 1] <Apos> (nnn)
                  N tRNA-<species> [Locus N] <Apos> (nnn)

                  N is the number of genes found
                  <species> is the tRNA iso-acceptor species
                  <Apos> is the tRNA anticodon relative position
                  (nnn) is the tRNA anticodon base triplet

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